Customized Asset Barcode Tags

There is an increasing need for companies to better manage and control their company fixed & movable asset as such the use of asset tag is adopted as a necessary tool. Why do companies use asset barcode tags for their fixed asset?
Some Benefits of Asset Barcode Tags :

• Barcode Asset Tagging helps track the useful life of assets and depreciation schedules, making it easy to check status or condition of an asset
• It improves unique identification of asset in the asset register
• Your company can easily know and keep track of their asset base, which also makes financial accounting easier and better
• Asset Tagging helps personnel to be more accountable for the company asset assigned to them as they are carrying out their core responsibilities
• Asset Tagging reduces loss and theft deterrence as the organization can tell which asset has been moved from its original location
• Barcoding your fixed asset is cost very effective.
Therefore, we encourage you to embrace the barcode asset tagging process